Pricing Transparency
To make our patient statements more useful to our patients and guarantors, starting December 2018, we will have an improved format and design. Patient accounts from Palacios Community Medical Center and Palacios Medical Clinic will be printed on a single combined monthly statement. When you send payment to more than one account, please indicate on the back of the payment coupon the correct amounts to apply to each account.
We strive to provide the best health care services at all times. Therefore, a Patient Advocate is available should we fall short in meeting your expectations. We will make every effort to listen to all patients, improve all experiences, and continuously educate our staff. We want to maintain and gain your confidence and are committed to taking extra steps to do so.
To report areas of concern, contact: 979-543-6251 or
Complainants may report to the Compliance Hotline answered by Fagan Answering Service at 1-877-460-1424.
To learn more and view a complete Price Transparency List, please click here.
To learn more about our Non Discrimination and Language Assistance, please click the link here.
To learn more about Surprise Billing, please click the link here.

Palacios Community Medical Center
Palacios Medical Clinic
311 Green Ave
Palacios, Texas 77465
(361) 972-2511