Radiology Services in Palacios, Texas
Our highly-trained and licensed medical professionals are dedicated to delivering the highest quality of care to our community hospital setting for a comfortable, quality, and efficient patient experience. Our local, technologists provide excellent care in a welcoming setting.

Radiology Services
Radiology services at PCMC include, but are not limited to:
- Computed tomography (CT) scans
- Ultrasound
- X-ray
- Bone Densitometry
Note, the Radiologist is independent of PCMC and bills separately; therefore, patients will receive an additional bill from Concord.
To schedule an appointment or for more information please call our Radiology Department at (361) 972–2511.

Palacios Community Medical Center
Palacios Medical Clinic
311 Green Ave
Palacios, Texas 77465
(361) 972-2511